A Stepmom’s Guide to Marriage: Inside the October 2018 Issue

Stepmoms GuideThe Art & Science of Love
A Stepmom’s Guide to Making Your Marriage Last: Part One

As both a mom and a stepmom, I understand how conflict around the stepkids or the ex can erode a long-term, loving relationship. There are times when you’re wondering if all these struggles and challenges are worth it. For Bernard and me, it certainly was. It continues to be so. That’s one reason we keep investing in new ways to strengthen our relationship with each other. Continue reading “A Stepmom’s Guide to Marriage: Inside the October 2018 Issue”

Stepmom’s Guide to Disengaging: Inside the September 2018 Issue

Stepmoms DetachingDetaching and Disengaging
A Stepmom’s Guide to Letting Go

Let it go. Let it be. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Chill out. Surrender. Release. Detach. Back off. These are all reminders to harried humans that it’s time for us to release our death grip over the “need” to control. To drop our ends of the rope, in the constant tug of wars. To take deep breaths, relax and take an active role in ending our own suffering. Continue reading “Stepmom’s Guide to Disengaging: Inside the September 2018 Issue”

Full-Time Stepmoms: Inside the September 2018 Issue

Full Time Stepmom SurveyWhat Full-Time Stepmoms Really Think
Results of Our Exclusive Survey

I sat inside Panera Bread early one morning, glancing at my laptop. The room was chilly. Outside it was damp and rainy. I felt as though I couldn’t drink my piping hot coffee quickly enough to wake my body and my brain. As I tried to focus on the task at hand, I noticed a woman sitting in a booth near mine. She looked young—maybe 30. Continue reading “Full-Time Stepmoms: Inside the September 2018 Issue”

Stepmom Survey: Inside the September 2018 Issue

Stepmom SurveyWhat Stepmoms Wish They Knew
Stepmom Survey

With stepmom goggles on, this stepfamily gig can look a little hazy or feel a bit like stumbling around in the dark. Since hindsight vision is 20/20, we asked a few seasoned stepmoms what they wish they’d known as novices. On Facebook and Instagram, we asked what they wish they’d done differently. Their feedback ranges from “better blending” to “what might’ve been.” Glean some insight of your own via their responses. …To read the rest of this article, log in and download the September 2018 issue. Don’t have an account? Click here to subscribe.

Stepmothers Worldwide: Inside the September 2018 Issue

Stepmothers WorldwideStepmothers Worldwide & Forever
The Evolution of Stepfamily Life

Labor Day brings with it family BBQs, back-to-school lamentations (by the kids) and back-to-school celebratory fist pumping (by parents and stepparents). Transitions and family, however we define it, are likely on our minds. This fall we also experience the energy generated by upcoming political primaries. If history repeats itself, Continue reading “Stepmothers Worldwide: Inside the September 2018 Issue”

Stepmom Support Groups: Inside the August 2018 Issue

Stepmom Support GroupsStepmom Support Groups
Take What You Like and Leave the Rest

Do you long for connection with other like-minded stepmoms who get where you’re coming from? Human nature drives us to want to connect with others on a deeper level to feel understood. Yet, in many cases, those who have walked the walk and been stepmoms themselves are the only ones who truly understand our day-to-day challenges. Continue reading “Stepmom Support Groups: Inside the August 2018 Issue”

Stepmom Privacy: Inside the August 2018 Issue

Stepmom PrivacyPrivacy Policy
Do Your Stepkids Tell Mom Everything?

“All violations of essential privacy are brutalizing.” –Katherine Fullerton Gerould

Like me, you’ve probably never heard of Katharine Fullerton Gerould. She was a well-respected writer who was born in the late 1800s. I wonder what she would think of stepfamilies and the very real and consistent problem of privacy.

Let’s not mince any words here. Continue reading “Stepmom Privacy: Inside the August 2018 Issue”

Stepfamily Struggles: Inside the August 2018 Issue

Stepfamily Struggles“My Husband Hates My Child!”
10 Steps to Bridging the Gap Between Them

Some situations are so serious that they require immediate attention. The following scenario is a perfect example.

“Laura, my husband hates my son,” Stepmom Megan lamented. “And I’m not exaggerating.”

“It’s so obvious that even our friends and family notice. Continue reading “Stepfamily Struggles: Inside the August 2018 Issue”

Expecting Stepmoms: Inside the August 2018 Issue

Expecting StepmomsStepmom’s Having a Baby!
What to Expect When You’re Expecting

One line, two lines … positive! You’re having a baby!

I vividly remember looking at that pregnancy test strip and erupting into shocked, nervous, excited giggles. I went straight to a kids’ clothing store and bought a tiny white onesie with the word “Petite” inscribed on it. I wrapped the pregnancy test in the onesie, placed them both in a gift bag and impatiently waited for him to come home from work. Continue reading “Expecting Stepmoms: Inside the August 2018 Issue”

Adult Stepchildren: Inside the August 2018 Issue

Adult StepchildrenAdult Stepchildren
The Good, the Bad and the Surprising

The stepkids are finally out of the house! No more arguments or confrontations with the ex. No more custody battles. No more last-minute schedule changes. No more stepfamily drama. We can finally move on with our lives and focus on our relationships. Sounds great, doesn’t it?

If you’re wondering what life may be like once your stepkids become adults, Continue reading “Adult Stepchildren: Inside the August 2018 Issue”