Stepmoms vs. Ex-Wives: Inside the November 2016 Issue

Stepmoms vs Ex-WivesStepmoms vs. Ex-Wives: How to Stop Bad Mouthing His Ex
by Mary T. Kelly, MA

Women are more misogynistic than men. There! I said it. And I meant it.

I came to this sad conclusion after decades of befriending and observing other women. I know that statement may sound sacrilegious and that’s certainly not my intention. Yet, the competition, vitriol and downright meanness among many women just can’t be denied. The judgments and criticisms women foist upon each other are relentless. Continue reading “Stepmoms vs. Ex-Wives: Inside the November 2016 Issue”

Stepfamily Events: Inside the July 2016 Issue

Stepfamily Events
The July 2016 Issue

Step Aside, Stepmom: Sharing the Spotlight With Their Mom by Claudette Chenevert

During the cycle of life, we encounter many major milestones that transform our families. They force us to interact with people we may not be excited to stand alongside, including mom. Stepmoms sometimes dread the most significant milestone moments, in which the occasion is inevitably shared with their stepkids’ biological moms: graduations, weddings and babies. Continue reading “Stepfamily Events: Inside the July 2016 Issue”

Support for Stepdads: Inside the June 2016 Issue

Suppor for Stepdads
Inside the June 2016 Issue

Dearest Wife: It’s Your Stepdad Husband—Can We Talk?
by Christina Roach, LMHC, NCC, DCC

 Dearest Wife,
I’m a little lost here, as to where I fit in. As the man of the house, I feel an obligation to contribute. But, regardless of what I do, I’m in the wrong.

 I can’t just stand by and let your kids walk all over you. Continue reading “Support for Stepdads: Inside the June 2016 Issue”

Inside the April 2016 Issue of StepMom Magazine

StepMom Magazine April 2016
The April 2016 Issue

The April 2016 issue of StepMom Magazine is HERE!

We know you’re going to love this month’s edition! The articles are designed to help you tackle the specific challenges that come with loving someone who has kids. This month you’ll learn:

* how to deal with a high-conflict ex
* 4 secret power moves to help you become a happier stepmom
* what to expect if you’re expecting
* tips for parenting his kids and yours (together!)
* the differences between custody and residency
* how to accept the universal truths about stepfamily life

Here’s what’s inside if you subscribe: Continue reading “Inside the April 2016 Issue of StepMom Magazine”

Parenting Tips for Stepmoms – Inside the April 2016 Issue

Parenting Tips for Stepmoms
Inside the April 2016 Issue

Parenting Tips for Stepmoms: My Kids + Your Kids = Parenting Together by Christina Roach, LMHC, NCC, DCC

The 1970s TV sitcom “The Brady Bunch” presented a skewed view of stepfamily life. Despite the fact that Mike and Carol Brady each brought three children into their marriage, they never seemed to argue about how they parented each other’s kids.

Whether they were interacting with their biological children or their partner’s, everyone simply seemed to get along. And any antics that did surface were nicely resolved by the end of each episode. Continue reading “Parenting Tips for Stepmoms – Inside the April 2016 Issue”

Understanding Your Stepkids – Inside the January 2016 Issue

understanding your stepkids
Inside the January 2016 Issue

Tips for Understanding Your Stepkids – Start the New Year off Right! by Claudette Chenevert

Being in a stepfamily is no walk in the park for any of us. There are times when things are great and everyone is getting along— even having fun together. Then there are other times when being in a stepfamily is a nightmare. As stepmoms, we know this only too well, but it’s also true from the children’s perspectives.

While living through the separation and eventual divorce of their parents, our stepkids experienced a lot of insecurity. Where would they live? Who would they live with? And for how long? At the time, they were (and probably remain) understandably scared, unsure, angry and distraught at losing control over nearly every aspect of their lives. Continue reading “Understanding Your Stepkids – Inside the January 2016 Issue”

Children’s Bill of Rights – StepMom Magazine

childrens bill of rightsChildren’s Bill of Rights – A Reminder on How to Keep Kids Out of the Middle by Lara R. Badain, ESQ.

Marriage is a contract between adults. When marriage ends, the divorce or separation should also be between the adults. However, the decision to end a marriage can, and usually does, have a significant and long-lasting impact upon the children. Parents have a responsibility to conduct the divorce proceedings in a manner that protects their children as much as possible from their conflict. Hopefully, doing so will help reduce the potential long-term emotional and psychological impacts of divorce. Continue reading “Children’s Bill of Rights – StepMom Magazine”

Same-Sex Stepfamilies – Inside the October 2015 Issue

Same Sex Stepfamilies
Inside the October 2015 Issue

Same Sex Stepfamilies: To Be, Or Not to Be, in the Closet? by Trisha Ladogna

The U.S. Supreme Court ruling that the Constitution gives same-sex couples the right to marry and Caitlyn Jenner’s public transition are both tremendous milestones which pave the way toward legitimizing and accepting same-sex and transgender stepfamilies.

There is a lot to celebrate, not only for those who identify as members of related communities but also for those who gave birth to, grew up with, befriended or love someone who identifies as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender.

These massive steps forward, however, have not eliminated the challenges faced by lesbian stepfamilies. Continue reading “Same-Sex Stepfamilies – Inside the October 2015 Issue”

Why Stepdads Have It Easier – Inside the September 2015 Issue

Stepparenting Together
Inside the Sept. 2015 Issue

Stepparenting Together? How Stepmoms’ and Stepdads’ Experiences Differ by Trisha Ladogna

Have you ever wondered if stepdads have it easier?

Becoming a stepmother after spending time as a single parent means parenting like you have never experienced it before. You have the unique experience of beginning your stepparenting journey at the very same time, in the very same place, as your partner.

While this can open up some fantastic opportunities for shared understanding, insight and support (in your couple relationship), it also brings with it a unique set of challenges found only when there are two stepparents residing in the same home. Continue reading “Why Stepdads Have It Easier – Inside the September 2015 Issue”

Stepmom Strategies – Get Him to Listen – In the Sept. 2015 Issue

Stepmom Strategies
Inside the Sept. 2015 Issue

Getting Your Partner to Listen – Stepmom Strategies: Stop Harping and Be Heard by Mary T. Kelly, MA

⊲ “We need to talk.”

⊲ “You need to tell your kid to clean his room.”

⊲ “I need you to set your ex straight on our boundaries.”

⊲ “You need to start disciplining your kids or I’ll do it for you.”

Do you recognize yourself in any of those statements? In truth, that list could go on and on. I’ll bet you’ve started multiple conversations with your partner by saying, “You need to …,” I want you to …,” or some variation of that. Continue reading “Stepmom Strategies – Get Him to Listen – In the Sept. 2015 Issue”