Holiday Survival Guide for Stepmoms: Inside the November 2018 Issue

Guide for StepmomsHoliday Survival Guide for Stepmoms
5 Skills and Techniques to Sustain You

The holiday season provides us with the opportunity to come together and to learn from each other. It’s a time to not highlight our differences but to be inspired by them. It’s a time to rejoice in our similarities and use any knowledge gained to create our own unique stepfamily experiences, as we evolve and grow as individuals. Continue reading “Holiday Survival Guide for Stepmoms: Inside the November 2018 Issue”

Inside the December 2017 Issue

StepMom Magazine December 2017

The December 2017 issue HERE!

Check out what we’re talking about this month:
→ Tips to reduce holiday stress (and drama!)
→ Advice for when you feel like an outsider
→ An interview with “Erased Family” filmmaker: Ginger Gentile
→ Ways you can help grieving kids during the holidays
→ Strategies for dealing with those jealous feelings
→ And more!

Here’s what else you’ll find inside: Continue reading “Inside the December 2017 Issue”

Holiday Tips for Stepmoms: Inside the December 2017 Issue

Stepmoms Guide HolidaysHappy Holidays? A Stepmom’s Guide to Finding Magic in the Mess By Kate Chapman

There was a time in my life when I believed in the magic of the winter holidays. Tinsel and candlelight. Snow falling softly outside. Loving families sharing time together, as children played happily inside. All was calm. All was bright. Joy and peace ruled the day.

Then I became a stepmom.

My first Christmas as a stepmom looked nothing like what I saw on TV. My days were filled with schedule shenanigans, kid shuttling Continue reading “Holiday Tips for Stepmoms: Inside the December 2017 Issue”

Inside the November 2017 Issue

StepMom Magazine November 2017

The November 2017 issue HERE!

Inside this month’s edition you’ll get:
→ HELP handling day-to-day discipline issues
→ IDEAS for creating new holiday traditions
→ ADVICE for stepmoms who feel alone
→ TIPS to ease the stress of holiday visitation schedules
→ INSPIRATION for days when being a stepmom feels too hard!
→ And more!

Here’s what else you’ll find inside: Continue reading “Inside the November 2017 Issue”

Stepfamily Holiday Traditions: Inside the November 2017 Issue

Stepfamily Holiday TraditionsHoliday Traditions: The Stepfamily Investment That Yielded Unexpected Returns By Jonelle Jones

When I first became a stepmom, the word “tradition gave me the same fuzzy feelings it always had. It wasn’t until we’d traversed our first few important events and holidays before the word began to make me feel uncomfortable. I realized—unwittingly—that traditions, in a stepfamily, weren’t as simple or as magical as they had been my whole life prior.

A bit of back story is in order. I’ve been in the stepmom role for more than six years. Continue reading “Stepfamily Holiday Traditions: Inside the November 2017 Issue”

The Holidays – A Stepmom’s Guide: Inside the November 2017 Issue

Stepmom Holiday GuideHolidays Reframed: A Stepmom’s Guide to Celebrating the Season By Brenda Snyder, LCSW 

Getting through the holidays can be a challenge for everyone—stepmoms and stepfamilies included. Even the most seasoned stepmom may do little more than endure the last two months of the year. In some cases, experience makes us dread the holidays, as it takes so few brushes with these pages on the calendar to understand the reality of thwarted plans, hopes and dreams.

Why are holidays so tough? Many stepmoms eventually adopt the grit-your- teeth-and-endure style of survival, when it comes to getting through the holiday season. Continue reading “The Holidays – A Stepmom’s Guide: Inside the November 2017 Issue”

5 Tips for Shared Holidays: Inside the Oct. 2017 Issue

Nightmare on Stepmom StreetNightmare on Stepmom Street: 5 Tricks for Making Shared Holidays a Treat! By Laura S. Milam, MEd

When I decided to marry a man with a daughter and an ex-wife, I knew that the holidays would be a challenge. Besides the normal pull to divide time between the in-laws, we would have the complication of custody—splitting whole weeks or groups of days between two parents.

I expected Thanksgiving and Christmas to be crazy. But nothing prepared me for the terror of Halloween. Continue reading “5 Tips for Shared Holidays: Inside the Oct. 2017 Issue”

National Stepfamily Day is September 16

stepfamily dayNational Stepfamily Day is just around the corner. Never heard of it? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Many are unaware that stepfamilies have their own day, but the holiday is steadily gaining recognition among those who see the event as an opportunity to recognize and honor their non-traditional family unit.

In 1997, remarried mom and stepmom Christy Borgeld helped found National Stepfamily Day—which is celebrated annually on September 16th.

At the time, she had two goals in mind:

• Establish a holiday that highlights the need for stepfamily awareness and ongoing support.

• Give today’s families a way and a means for recognizing and celebrating the diversity of their relationship dynamics.

In its first year, National Stepfamily Day was officially acknowledged by 24 U.S. states which rolled out proclamations in its honor. Within a year that number rose to 32 states. By 2000, nearly all 50 U.S. states (48, in total) formally recognized this special day.

In 2010, Borgeld took it a “step” further, asking then-President Barack Obama to revise the language on that year’s Presidential Mother’s and Father’s Day Proclamations, or public honors, to include all parents: biological, adopted, foster and step. So, he did!

Twenty years later “our” day is recognized in all 50 U.S. states, Canada and the U.K. How will you celebrate? Popular options include hosting a family picnic or a neighborhood block party that acknowledges family types of all kinds (step, adoptive, etc.).

Share a special family dinner, host a game night for your stepfamily friends, take your own stepfamily for a hike or go biking together. And don’t worry if your family doesn’t quite feel like “family.” Stepfamilies are unique. Relationships take time. Love isn’t something that can be forced, so strive for kindness and respect and know that that’s enough. Whatever you do, celebrate the opportunity to bond and to have fun!

Family isn’t always blood.
It’s the people in your life who want you in theirs;
the ones who accept you for who you are.
The ones who would do anything to see you smile
and who love you no matter what.




Stepmom’s Guide to Mother’s Day: Inside the May 2017 Issue

Stepmom's Guide to Mother's DaySecond Sunday of May: A Stepmom’s Guide to Mother’s Day by Brenda Snyder, LCSW

My mom likes to spend Mother’s Day with my sister and me. We love spending it with her, too, because she gives us presents. She started this even before we became mothers ourselves. Her explanation: “If not for you guys, I wouldn’t be a mom.”

My first few Mother’s Days as a stepmother were pretty torturous. Continue reading “Stepmom’s Guide to Mother’s Day: Inside the May 2017 Issue”

Inside the December 2016 Issue

StepMom Magazine December 2016

The December 2016 issue of StepMom Magazine is HERE!

→ The Year’s Best Expert Stepmom Tips & Advice
→ Learn How to Help Your Partner Be a Better Dad
→ What You Need to Know About (Step)Family Traditions
→ Power Posing: Body Language Techniques for Stepmoms
→ When The Kids Aren’t Coming Home for the Holidays
→ Why You Can Stop Trying to Make Things “Fair” for The Kids
→ And much more!
Continue reading “Inside the December 2016 Issue”