A Stepfamily Wedding – State Farm’s Newest Ad Campaign

Stepfamily Ad State Farm
State Farm ad targets remarried couples: “Sometimes at last doesn’t happen at first.”

Remarriage is on the rise and State Farm knows it. The insurance conglomerate released a commercial last month featuring a mom of one and a dad of two exchanging vows as their children cautiously look on.

If statistics are any indication, the ad will resonate with a large percentate of the U.S. population. According to recent surveys, the Pew Research Center reports: “Four in ten new marriages include at least one partner who has been married before and the number of adults who have ever remarried now stands at 42 million–a threefold increase since 1960.” Continue reading “A Stepfamily Wedding – State Farm’s Newest Ad Campaign”

National Stepfamily Day is September 16

National Stepfamily DayChristy Borgeld, a remarried mom and stepmom, initiated National Stepfamily Day in 1997. Her goal was to create a holiday that would bring the need for stepfamily support and awareness to the nation’s forefront while, at the same time, provide today’s modern family with an opportunity to recognize and celebrate their relationships. Continue reading “National Stepfamily Day is September 16”

A Mixed Blessing for Stepfamilies? There’s S’more to Learn from Honey Maid’s New “This is Wholesome” Ad Campaign

Stepfamily Information and Support
Brenda Ockun
Publisher of StepMom Magazine

In 1973, a postage stamp cost 8 cents, “The Brady Bunch” was in its fourth year of production and I was in kindergarten.

My teacher, Ms. Rahn, was a tall, thin woman with overly teased, brassy blond hair. We kids walked to school—where we read “Dick and Jane” books, ate cookies and drank whole milk before taking 20-minute naps. We sat cross-legged, in circles, on the floor while learning the virtues of sharing and waiting your turn. And nearly everyone’s parents were still married, as far as we knew. Continue reading “A Mixed Blessing for Stepfamilies? There’s S’more to Learn from Honey Maid’s New “This is Wholesome” Ad Campaign”