Transform Your Stepfamily: Inside the May 2018 Issue

stepmom mastery moves10 Mastery Moves for Stepmoms
Lead Your Stepfamily to Transformation

Do you ever just want to know what to do right now, preserving yourself and your stepfamily without having to reinvent the wheel or get crushed under it, in the process? It’s easy to imagine that the reported millions of stepmoms who quit their stepfamilies each year wish they had that knowledge sooner. My heart aches for them.

As a stepmom, you want to stand firm and do it happily. What’s your secret weapon? I know! You’ve mastered and continue to hone the tools of the trade. Odds are high you’re in a partnership which practices these five commitments:

→ Your expectations are fact-based/realistic.
→ The parent provides rm but fair discipline.
→ Boundaries around all relationships are strong.
→ You manage your health, emotions, money, etc.
→ Your House Rules (and roles) ensure consistency and safety for everyone.

There is no wormhole that will instantly take us from stepfamily pain to peace, but research and testimonials show that those commitments are shock absorbers.

Making a practice of them increases our sense of trust, calm, stamina and clarity—so we recover quickly from stressors and can get on with living. …To read this article, log in and download the May 2018 issue. Don’t have an account? Click here to subscribe.



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