Lies We Tell Stepmoms: Inside the July 2017 Issue

Lies we tell stepmoms4 Big Lies We Tell Stepmoms: How Ignoring Bad Advice Can Save Your Marriage—and Your Sanity! by Wednesday Martin, PhD

Excerpted with permission from “Stepmonster: A New Look at Why Real Stepmothers Think, Feel, and Act the Way We Do.”

Books for stepmothers tend to perpetuate certain myths. The myth of the blended family and the myth of the maternal stepmother are the most glaring examples. These books’ relentlessly upbeat tone can make stepmothers feel as though our own occasional negativity and impatience regarding his kids are freakish. Other books on stepmothering are so lighthearted, so insistent that we see the humor in our situation and in our responses to it, that reading them feels suspiciously like being told that our concerns don’t matter and that we just need to lighten up. Continue reading “Lies We Tell Stepmoms: Inside the July 2017 Issue”

Stepfamily Special Events: Inside the April 2017 Issue

Stepfamily Special EventsSpecial Event Survival Guide for Stepmoms: Advice for Managing Life’s Milestones With Dignity and Class By Brenda Snyder, LCSW

Before I became a stepmom, Spring was my favorite season. Tulips. Freshly-tilled earth awaiting farmers’ attention. Robins. Thunderstorms rolling in. The passing of cold Winter months and the anticipation of warm Summer days beckoned. And I willingly answered! Continue reading “Stepfamily Special Events: Inside the April 2017 Issue”

Stepmom Tip – Co-Parenting With The Ex

Stepmom Co-Parenting

Stepmom Tip: Co-Parenting With The Ex
Co-parenting with the ex is a team sport. It takes two. You can’t do it alone. If the ex isn’t willing to co-parent, parallel parenting is your best option. It’s better for kids to have two sets of rules rather than be exposed to constant conflict.

Children’s Bill of Rights – StepMom Magazine

childrens bill of rightsChildren’s Bill of Rights – A Reminder on How to Keep Kids Out of the Middle by Lara R. Badain, ESQ.

Marriage is a contract between adults. When marriage ends, the divorce or separation should also be between the adults. However, the decision to end a marriage can, and usually does, have a significant and long-lasting impact upon the children. Parents have a responsibility to conduct the divorce proceedings in a manner that protects their children as much as possible from their conflict. Hopefully, doing so will help reduce the potential long-term emotional and psychological impacts of divorce. Continue reading “Children’s Bill of Rights – StepMom Magazine”