The Grieving Stepchild: Inside the May 2017 Issue

The Grieving StepchildStepmothering and The Grieving Child: Our Interview With Diane Ingram Fromme by Heather Hetchler, MA

Losing a parent is one of life’s biggest heartaches. When a parent dies, loss is felt and grief begins.

Grief is part of the healing process and anyone who does life with a person who is grieving is along for the journey, including a stepmother. Whether the child grew up motherless or mom passed away after Dad remarried, a stepmom is wise to seek tools that help her navigate the loss and grief which encompass the experience of motherless children. Continue reading “The Grieving Stepchild: Inside the May 2017 Issue”

Inside the April 2017 Issue

Stepmom Magazine April 2017

The April 2017 issue of StepMom Magazine is HERE!

This month we’re talking about:

→ How to connect with your stepkids by speaking their “Love Language”
→ Tips for handling stepfamily events (like birthdays, graduations & weddings)
→ What you can do to overcome resentment and be happier!
→ Creative ways to get the kids excited about your wedding plans
→ How to navigate your stepchild’s loyalty binds
→ Creating new traditions for today’s stepfamilies
→ And more! Continue reading “Inside the April 2017 Issue”

Stepfamily Special Events: Inside the April 2017 Issue

Stepfamily Special EventsSpecial Event Survival Guide for Stepmoms: Advice for Managing Life’s Milestones With Dignity and Class By Brenda Snyder, LCSW

Before I became a stepmom, Spring was my favorite season. Tulips. Freshly-tilled earth awaiting farmers’ attention. Robins. Thunderstorms rolling in. The passing of cold Winter months and the anticipation of warm Summer days beckoned. And I willingly answered! Continue reading “Stepfamily Special Events: Inside the April 2017 Issue”

Love Languages – Stepmom Style: Inside the April 2017 Issue

Love Languages - Stepmom Style“… Love Languages” Stepmom Style! Use This Best-Selling Strategy to Connect With Your Stepfamily By Jessica Leon, PHD, LCSW

Go to the “Self-Help” section of any brick-and-mortar or virtual bookstore and you’ll find selections on just about every topic there is: eating disorders, depression, anxiety, self-esteem, childrearing, etc. Continue reading “Love Languages – Stepmom Style: Inside the April 2017 Issue”

Stepfamily Loyalty Binds: Inside the April 2017 Issue

Stepfamily Loyalty BindsThe Ties That Bind: How to Navigate Loyalty Conflicts in Stepfamilies By Heather Hetchler, MA

A few weeks ago, I received a frantic call from a stepmom. We met the next day for coffee.

Through shouts of anger and a flood of tears, she shared her hurting heart. It was visible that Debbie was in deep pain. She’s been Sarah’s stepmom for the past 10 years and has physically and emotionally taken on the role of “Mom,” as Sarah’s biological mother floats in and out of her life. Continue reading “Stepfamily Loyalty Binds: Inside the April 2017 Issue”

Stepmom Resentment: Inside the April 2017 Issue

Stepmom ResentmentStepfamily Life Isn’t Fair! Shake Resentment and Find the Happiness You Deserve By Mary T. Kelly, MA

You think about it in the car, in the shower and in your office. You think about it whether you’re in the kitchen, in bed or working out. You even think about it as you meditate. Or, try to meditate. You think about it in your sleep. Continue reading “Stepmom Resentment: Inside the April 2017 Issue”

Inside the March 2017 Issue

StepMom Magazine March 2017 Issue

The March 2017 issue of StepMom Magazine is HERE!

This month we’re talking about:

→ His “crazy ex” and why she acts that way
→ The 6 mistakes almost every stepmom makes
→ How to recognize the signs of Parental Alienation
→ Why all stepcouples need a grownup vacation (and how to get one)
→ What to do if not being his “first” really bugs you
→ Why stepdads really do have it easier
→ And more! Continue reading “Inside the March 2017 Issue”

His Crazy Ex and You: Inside the March 2017 Issue

His Crazy Ex - StepMom MagazineHis “Crazy Ex” and You: Understanding Why She Acts That Way by Brenda Snyder, LCSW

All exes are crazy, right? Any time you hear a narrative about “his ex,” “my ex,” or even “my best friend’s ex,” chances are pretty good that the person in question comes out looking a little nuts. If you’re an ex, it’s even likely that you star in someone else’s narrative, as a psychotic b*#@!. Every person tells their own story their own way. Continue reading “His Crazy Ex and You: Inside the March 2017 Issue”

Parental Alienation: Inside the March 2017 Issue

Parental Alienation - StepMom MagazineIs It Parental Alienation? Recognizing the Symptoms, Signs and Solutions by Kristan McLean, LCSW

I write this article to shed light to an important topic. I want you to know what parental alienation is. I want you to be able to recognize its signs and symptoms. I also want you to realize that, if you or your partner are being alienated against, it’s not OK and you are not alone. Continue reading “Parental Alienation: Inside the March 2017 Issue”

Stepmom Blunders: Inside the March 2017 Issue

StepMom Blunders - StepMom MagazineStepmom Blunders: 6 Mistakes Nearly Every Stepmother Makes by Mary T. Kelly, MA

The hundreds of women I’ve worked with have more than a few things in common. For one thing, they’re nearly all stepmoms. For another, at some point in their stepfamily journeys, nearly every one of them has become discouraged, gotten burnt out and found herself feeling hopeless about the future. Continue reading “Stepmom Blunders: Inside the March 2017 Issue”