Inside the December 2015 Issue of StepMom Magazine

Stepmom Magazine December 2015
The December 2015 Issue

The December 2015 issue of StepMom Magazine is HERE!

It’s known as the most wonderful time of the year. But, for many stepmoms, the holidays create unique stress and family tension.

Most families must make decisions about where to celebrate, when and with whom—but stepfamilies face extra challenges. Every year stepmoms ask: When are the kids coming over? Are the kids coming over? How do we manage everyone’s traditions?

The articles in this month’s issue are designed to take you back to simpler times and help you remember that as a stepmom you must focus on what you can control and to let go of what you can’t. You might just find that letting go doesn’t nullify your past—it helps you enjoy the present.

Here’s what’s inside when you subscribe: Continue reading “Inside the December 2015 Issue of StepMom Magazine”

Long-Distance Stepfamily Holidays – In the December 2015 Issue

Long Distance Stepfamily
Inside the December 2015 Issue

Long-Distance Holidays Stepfamily Style: 5 Ways to Connect When You Can’t Be Together by Heather Hetchler, MA

Holidays and family go together. Except when they don’t. There are many reasons stepfamilies aren’t together for the holidays. Sometimes, it’s a legal decree. Other times, one parent changes plans at the last minute or won’t allow the kids to come over. Kids may even choose (or be forced to choose) not to come to your home for the holidays at all.

It can be heartbreaking to have plans changed, children withheld or not be chosen as the home where the kids celebrate. Continue reading “Long-Distance Stepfamily Holidays – In the December 2015 Issue”

Inside the November 2015 Issue of StepMom Magazine

StepMom Magazine November 2015
The November 2015 Issue

The November 2015 issue of StepMom Magazine is HERE!

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. It’s a time of the year when we collectively gather to focus on our blessings, not our burdens. In her article on page 15, Trisha Ladogna explains why practicing gratitude–even when we don’t want to–can improve our outlook, our attitude and our overall well-being. But let’s be honest. Feeling grateful, when our lives feel particularly difficult, isn’t easy.

So how do you give thanks when stepfamily life is challenging? You practice. We’ll show you how and much more (like how to stop stressing over the ex, how to get your stepkids to communicate more and what to do if your partner feels caught in the middle between you and his kids) inside this month’s issue.

Here’s what you get when you subscribe: Continue reading “Inside the November 2015 Issue of StepMom Magazine”

Stepfamily Dinners – Inside the November 2015 Issue

stepfamily dinners
Inside the November 2015 Issue

Stepfamily Dinners: Games, Strategies and Apps for Great Conversation by Claudette Chenevert

Whenever I think of family dinners, the image of Norman Rockwell’s “Freedom From Want” (which appeared on a 1943 cover of “The Saturday Evening Post” and depicts an animated gathering around a perfectly cooked turkey) I wonder, how can my family look like that?

Is it even possible?

In that painting, Rockwell captured a moment in time—not a lifetime filled with attempts to come together and sit for a meal as a family. Continue reading “Stepfamily Dinners – Inside the November 2015 Issue”

The Stepfamily Recipe – Inside the November 2015 Issue

stepfamily recipe
Inside the November 2015 Issue

The Stepfamily Recipe: Satisfy Your Stepfamily’s Needs by Recognizing Its Unique Ingredients by Dianne Martin, BSW, RSW

Many couples enter stepfamily life unaware of the monumental challenges they will encounter—challenges that often result from failing to appreciate the numerous structural and functional differences between first families and remarried families.

After all, the two have just about as much in common as apples and oranges.

Stepcouples frequently find themselves floundering in unfamiliar and unfriendly seas as they begin the process of merging two families. Continue reading “The Stepfamily Recipe – Inside the November 2015 Issue”

Stop Thinking About His Ex-Wife – Inside the October 2015 Issue

Ex-wife StepMom Magazine
Inside the October 2015 Issue

A Stepmom’s Fatal Attraction: Yes, You Can Stop Obsessing Over His Ex by Mary T. Kelly, MA

YOU CAN’T HELP IT. YOU THINK ABOUT HIS EX-WIFE ALL THE TIME. If this sounds like you, your internal dialogue likely includes thoughts that revolve around:

⊲ How crazy she is
⊲ How mean she is to you
⊲ How she ruins your lives
⊲ How she hounds your partner
⊲ How she makes up lies about you
⊲ How she turns the kids against you
⊲ How you can’t get a shred of relief

Do any of these thoughts replay themselves over and over in your brain? Continue reading “Stop Thinking About His Ex-Wife – Inside the October 2015 Issue”

Stepmoms and Outsider Syndrome – In the October 2015 Issue

Stepmoms Outsider Syndrome
Inside the October 2015 Issue

Stepmoms and Outsider Syndrome: 7 Ways to Ease the Pain of Feeling Left Out by Claudette Chenevert

Your partner is sitting on the floor, playing with his kids. It’s been a few weeks since they were last together and they seem to be having a good time catching up. Here you are, looking at them, when an empty feeling creeps up inside you.

You try as hard as you can, hoping you’re making all the right moves. You sacrifice your time and space to make sure your partner’s kids feel at home, as if they belong. All the while, you are battling your own demons about what your place is in this relationship. Continue reading “Stepmoms and Outsider Syndrome – In the October 2015 Issue”

5 Benefits of Stepfamily Life – Inside the October 2015 Issue

Stepfamily Life
Inside the October 2015 Issue

Happily Ever After: 5 Benefits of Stepfamily Life by Christina Roach LMHC, NCC, DCC

You know he will always be a father. His kids come first. As a stepmom, you will need to adjust to their way of doing things.

These are just some of the messages I received when I decided to marry a man with kids. I’m not going to lie. Those words of encouragement—or lack thereof—were less than I had hoped for. After such rave reviews, what mentally stable person would sign up for this gig? Me. And given that you’re reading StepMom Magazine, I’m assuming you, too.

As stepmoms, we know stepfamily life has its share of turbulence and that some of us have it rougher than others. Continue reading “5 Benefits of Stepfamily Life – Inside the October 2015 Issue”

Why Stepdads Have It Easier – Inside the September 2015 Issue

Stepparenting Together
Inside the Sept. 2015 Issue

Stepparenting Together? How Stepmoms’ and Stepdads’ Experiences Differ by Trisha Ladogna

Have you ever wondered if stepdads have it easier?

Becoming a stepmother after spending time as a single parent means parenting like you have never experienced it before. You have the unique experience of beginning your stepparenting journey at the very same time, in the very same place, as your partner.

While this can open up some fantastic opportunities for shared understanding, insight and support (in your couple relationship), it also brings with it a unique set of challenges found only when there are two stepparents residing in the same home. Continue reading “Why Stepdads Have It Easier – Inside the September 2015 Issue”

Stepmom Strategies – Get Him to Listen – In the Sept. 2015 Issue

Stepmom Strategies
Inside the Sept. 2015 Issue

Getting Your Partner to Listen – Stepmom Strategies: Stop Harping and Be Heard by Mary T. Kelly, MA

⊲ “We need to talk.”

⊲ “You need to tell your kid to clean his room.”

⊲ “I need you to set your ex straight on our boundaries.”

⊲ “You need to start disciplining your kids or I’ll do it for you.”

Do you recognize yourself in any of those statements? In truth, that list could go on and on. I’ll bet you’ve started multiple conversations with your partner by saying, “You need to …,” I want you to …,” or some variation of that. Continue reading “Stepmom Strategies – Get Him to Listen – In the Sept. 2015 Issue”