Create a United Front: Inside the January 2017 Issue

Create a United FrontI’ve Got Your Back! Stepcouples Must Present A United Front—Here’s Why by Trevor Mullineaux, LMFT

Who comes first in your heart— your kids or your partner? In many stepfamilies, finding the right balance between, “My kids come first,” and, “My partner is my priority,” can be a daily struggle. The conflict it creates can chip away at a stepcouple’s emotional connection. In fact, this tension is one of the reasons many stepfamilies implode.

That’s why my No. 1 rule is this: The couple comes first. When you and your partner have a stable, safe and loving connection, your marriage can survive life’s highs and lows. In addition, your children (and stepchildren) will be more likely to grow up emotionally resilient and you will benefit by living a longer and healthier life.

Placing emphasis on your relationship reinforces the message, “I choose you!”

Prioritizing one another reinforces that commitment, while putting your kids first can lead to feelings of betrayal. Read on to learn more about commitment and betrayal, in this particular context. Then explore what I believe are three key reasons why saying, “I’ve got your back!” is essential to preserving the stability and sanctity of your relationship. …To read the rest of this article and learn how to create a united front with your partner, log in to your account and download the January 2017 issue. Don’t have an account? Click here to subscribe.



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